I've finally gotten my PINK IC!
Yes...for those who never knew I was non-Singaporean, I'm not surprised... cos there's really nothing Malaysian about me (maybe there is, but I refuse to acknowledge any!). Hee Hee! To cut the story short, my mum gave birth to me and my bro in Msia, then brought us to Singapore when we were still very small. So we've been on this sunny island for as long as we can remember, we were brought up and educated here. No allegiance to our country of birth whatsoever, I mean, how do we feel anything when we hardly know its history and the people? We know Singapore, we learnt about her history since young, our family and friends are here, our roots are here. So, there is every reason for us to feel like we belong here and that's why we wanted so much to get our citizenship approved (Progress Package and angbaos became another impt reason in the past few years...)
It took 10 years for us to achieve our PR status, and another 10 to get the citizenship status. What I saw today at the ceremony makes me wonder why it took us so long... when it seemed so easy for the other new citizens to have their application approved. and some of these new citizens, I dare say, don't seem to value or regard this citizenship highly too.
It's supposed to be a no-nonsense and solemn ceremony, pledging our loyalty to s'pore. We got the notice to come dressed in smart casual (ladies) and long sleeves and tie (men). Yet, some people come dressed like they don't respect the ceremony and the organisers at all. I feel quite sad that these people are my fellow new citizens, and quite mad that the application process seems so much easier now, so much so that anyone can just apply. I've got photos as evidence...this lady, fwah, i dunno where she's dressed to go man...

and upon closer look!

and there are others who wore super mini-skirts and have their shirts tucked out, or super untidy...
I mean.... HEY! These people are our new citizens?!?!?!
I think their citizenships should be revoked.
I'm feeling so exasperated cos I know how difficult it is for my mum to apply for citizenships for me and bro since young, the kind of trouble she has to go thru, the amount of money she paid..the amount of sweat...and most importantly, the genuine interest in becoming a s'pore citizen, believing that we should receive the best.
and then i see these people.. =_=
Other than that, I'm a happy S'POREAN girl today!!

1 comment:
You're a Singapore girl! haa. congrats ya. hmm. haven read blogs in quite awhile. so it's refreshing to know how everyone else is doing. btw, i like your video shots, i can't help but keep smiling and laughing at those captions. :P
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