Thursday, August 27, 2009


I gave a friend a flower calendar during xmas last year.
There are 12 stalks of paper daisies (for each month) and each stalk has enough petals for the days in the month.
Behind each petal, there is note - which is something like what you'd get in a fortune cookie.
And so started this trend of FPODs - Flower Prohecy of the Day.
It feels nice to receive a FPOD at the start of each morning. Words like "Kiss somebody", "Tell someone you love him", "Don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry", "just dance".... all touches a part of me that may be buried over time.
It gives you that minute to think about what you really want to do, or feel.
And for some FPODs, it made an impact.
This morning's FPOD, was actually ZPOD - something made up by zj. And it is as good as any FPODs, or even better! So i'll share it with all you dear ones out there.
"ZPOD - inspiration from my phone
TRANSFER the work
CONFERENCE your friends
REDIAL the happy memories
RELEASE the pains
HOLD on to your happiness "
I'll be back in Singapore next week! For my wisdom teeth surgery... which I'm getting goose bumps over!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hit me!

What kinda cyclone path is this?!?!

Hope it still strikes HK though... We need some typhoon action on a weekday!

Monday, August 03, 2009


Whenever we have something planned in the near future to be completed together, i feel a wash of happiness over myself.
I wonder if it's cos I never thought we'd go this far, and any planning ahead meant a couple of additional months together...
Did I use to think this way?
You said you don't want your heart to be brokened by a girl again, you're too old for that.
I worry I'd suffer your fate instead.
Perhaps the only way forward is to look ahead, in the same direction, hand in hand.