Sunday, June 03, 2007

五月天 JUMP 離開地球表面 新加坡演唱會2007


I think it was really a fantastic concert...wished we were nearer to the front stage though. Cos from where we were ($90) seats, mayday is tiny. Like 3cm tall only. I like it that they tried to stick with their theme - of jumping off the surface of the Earth and several of the songs they chose had something to do about Earth and people and flying out of this world kinda stuff.
And I liked the big screens behind them - which occasionally flashes words/quotes which fall in with the songs they were performing. Ma sha played the piano (bottom left pic) and sang 'Yellow'... which was nice... but not fantastic... or probably cos I'm biased.... cos
NO....I WANT HIM TO BE MINE! Though he 'tsoot-chway' a few times with the lyrics, he's still sooooo adorable. It brought back memories of how I've chanced upon their FREE-for-all concert at Fisherman's Wharf at Taipei on my first business trip alone. How 阿信 had sang 纯真 and how I had called Mr Goh and cried and cried and cried when he sang...."在无声之中你拉起了我的手.......我怎麽感觉整个黑夜在震动.......耳朵里我听到了心跳的节奏.........星星在闪烁....你会怎麽说.


Everybody went mad when they sang 恋爱ing . We were also made to repeat L-O-V-E like a zillion times, with moves similar to YMCA. Good tactic for them to catch their breath and drink water while the fans shout our lungs out.

I've very much wanted to post video clips of snippets of the concert (but i'm taking eons to upload them) cos you hear them, hear the fans and hear us in harmony.

Strangely, when a whole group of people sing together, they can actually sing in tune and it sounds wonderful, almost angelic. =)

Made a date with mich to catch Jay's concert together... and of cos, the next Mayday concert. ;)

Aside: Told mr goh that I'm in love with Ashin. His response: ok lor. you see if Ashin will come fetch you home lor. =_=

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