Thursday, December 06, 2007

Last night in HK

ended with a bang (literally)

a wonderful evening with Mr Jay Chou

fion, steph and fiona

I'm finally done packing.....

One full luggage of only clothes

another 1/4 clothes, the rest of it shoes
and a duffle bag of bags

laptop bag, and handbag

Still, i've got things left behind.

I cannot imagine how I'm gonna pack everything in

without the 'shipments' every time someone came to visit

my throat is still hurting

from the cold and sneezing

and from singing along with jay chou the entire night

I wonder if knowing his lyrics by heart is any good

cos each time he tripped over his lyrics

I ... i... sigh.

without a doubt, he is still so so talented

I want to carry him home with me.

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