time is slowly ticking away
and i'm clueless about what to do tonight
I wanted to go platinum mall but they're already closing!!!
Today's meeting went well (in Thai)
the gruelling bit comes later
I wonder how the Thais are so patient
I feel i'm blowing off my top every other time
tired of explaining
e v e r y
s i n g l e
m e a n i n g
i n
d e t a i l.
Like... why price is a selection criteria for choosing suppliers, and budget is not.
patience girl, patience...
Heard a piece of bad news this morning - colq's mother in law passed away last night and she needs to fly back to india.
I'm not exactly the kind of person who knows how to console others, or put them at ease in such instances.
Probably cos I've not experienced such pain before - grand dad passed away when i was still very little.
Where's the heartache?
there was none.
and i always thought it'd be a relief to leave in peace, especially if you're struggling too damn hard to keep alive, and having lived til a ripe age.
it's time to go?
cherish life each and every moment
not just at your deathbed?
makes sense, or no?
aye. i'm still bothered by having no where i want to go.
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