Saturday, December 04, 2010

A half yearly affair

Had my regular scaling and polishing session today. I'm not a stranger to dental clinics - considering that I've made frequent visits there in the past 3 years cos of my braces.

Still, going to dental clinics scares me. I tense up, no matter how much I tell myself to relax.

I think its being placed in the spot, trying your best not to move, as the dentist uses her various metal steel tools to scale, dig, scrape, and poke around your mouth. And you have NO idea what she's doing. You can only IMAGINE.

Imagine from the sound of those machines and tools. How uncanny those sounds are to the sounds of construction works and .... SAW.

I felt like my mouth had just been raped.

The dentist said my lower left gum is receding because I'm brushing them too hard. What?! Price to pay for clean teeth.

Word of caution to those who use electronic toothbrushes. I think I need to alternate between that and using my good old hand to do the brushing.
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