I can't believe my week passed so fast though. Walking around the different booths, trying to speak to exhibitors all over the world. Eva joined us today, so me and mae were more relaxed (we were kinda losing 'steam' to approach people and speak to them). We decided to take some time off and look AT the booths and the stuff they have exhibited. :)
First stop, this Korean neo-print machine. Apparently, the owner wants to find distributors here in Singapore. I tried to explain that there are already a lot of neo-print machines from Japan, Taiwan here already, so would he find the market here 1) small, 2) saturated already? took quite a while for him to understand what i was trying to say.... which he finally replied saying the technology used in the korean machines are different from the neo-print machines in the market now. How true that is... I have no idea... the last time i took a neo-print, I was 19.
Anyway, there appears to be more functions here. Usual features include background (famous places, with popular artistes, colourful frames etc), text functions, cutesy stuff which teenagers will definitely like, changing the colour (black/white, sepia, adjust the lighting).
What's new to me was how we could change the backdrop even after we've taken the picture (usually, what u choose at the beginning is what you get); resize ourselves and move ourselves around the background. During printing, there are games available which will keep u occupied while your pictures are developing. the quality of the pictures are really not bad!!
here's something we took:

we made ourselves smaller so it'd look more convincing that we're at the location. Btw, anyone knows where this place is??
then, running out of poses, we decided to do THIS....

Hurhurhur. we were floating on air.
and then, it was handphones galore!

World's slimest camera phone---the Samsung Ultra.
So thin, it feels like a biscuit/cracker.

This one i'm holding is another model. There were too many people around the slimest phone.

Artful expressions series!

i love this series of sliding phones.
it's a touch-dial phone (similar to the LG chocolate phone later), meaning there's no buttons to press to dial. you touch the screen (see the phone icons) and it'll dial. the only buttons are the number pad. and as u enter the numbers, a 'feather-pen' thingy will appear and write the numbers out!! very pretty!! definitely a ladies phone.

I also walked by the Mricrosoft booth and saw this samsung blackberry-like pda.

and 3 shelves of dopod and pdas.

and lotsa Xbox....

and there's motorola....which didn't allow me to take pics unless i am a reporter. =_= but i still took 2 pictures. hee.

and now... the LG Chocolate!

and the chocolate print ad... (with motorola show girl in yellow in foreground)

lotsa other LG phones....

and this one i like....PINK!

remember the blue-tooth ring thingy i mentioned in the previous post?

Here's the Jap guy explaining how it works. Notice the black hand thingy beside him.
the white bubble-like ring is the device, but just a prototype. I suggested that they make it smaller and prettier, then it'll be a ladies' favourite.
here's a passerby trying it.

You've gotta insert it into ur ear in order to feel the vibrations to ur ear drum, which will then be converted to sound waves!!
I'm really fascinated by it, but Mr Goh thinks that at the end of the day, your finger will be really dirty OR u'll get ear infection from sticking ur finger into ur ear too often AND the purpose of bluetooth is really to make it HANDSFREE-can't multitask with ur index finger in ur ear, right? --which kinda makes sense.
Still, i'm fascinated by it--the science of it, the wonders of technology.
And here's a handphone that's waterproof. No more corroded mobile phones and sim cards!!

i've got some videos of new jap technology which i took, but Youtube is taking FOREVER to upload it. any other good video hosting websites I can use?? Pls helppppp.
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