Need to call up companies in India, so had to stay til 8pm plus in the office everyday. Good thing is I get to take cab back. If leave work at 7, get home at 8. Leave work at 8, get home 815. which is the better deal?
Anyways, Holiday inn batam is really quite a nice place to go for some relaxing moments. The spa package i went for (full body coffee scrub and full body massage) was shiok! and by full body, it's really basically 90% of your body, front and back. *blush* No wonder mr goh doesn't want to go for the body scrub/massage- he says he's extremely ticklish. I asked the spa therapist if my body was very dirty.... cos when she was scrubing..there were a lot of brown lumps!! a bit like Ji Gong. but apparently those were the coffee and coconut cream thingy, and maybe some of my dead skin cells. Shiiiiiiiok.
But weather no good.... Bright and sunny when we left for batam... then cloudy and rainy after we got there. No pool activity, only stayed in the spa place and lunch at their cafeteria... which serves really delicious food! and they accept Sing Dollar!! to think we still went to change to rupiah.... which made us millionaire overnight. kekeke.
and we ventured out to the city area, wanting to experience their night life. but quite disappointing... some more the drive from the hotel to the city is bloody long la! 30 min of driving....along unlit, narrow roads. Faint.
and we're both tired by the time we finished our A&W dinner. haha. haven't had A&W in such a looooong time! root beer float is still the best. :)
Next morning's breakfast buffet was also very GOOOOD. see pictures for proof.
went for a short dip in the jacuzzi before checking out. the relaxing weekend turned out to be pretty relaxing... although we didn't have much to do, we were really tired. burnt out after work. so tired i drooled in my sleep, onto mr goh's polo and he took a picture of my long drool. BLEH.
Bye Batam....

Hello Home.
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