It has been a really exciting week in Taipei.
I'll blog more about that later, after I've got time to digest what happened.
More about what happened before I left for Taiwan.
I attended our nation's 41st birthday, as a lawful and rightful citizen. :)
will just post the pictures.

In the nation's colours, complete with red toe nails... Mr. Goh commented that nobody wears top white, bottom red one lor.....but he is proved wrong later....

Around and about the stadium....

Free face painting...

Big Balloons...

Inside the stadium....Mr. goh said the banners were made to look like sails...since Singapore started as a fishing village...

This woman was flying and reaching out to the audience!

and guess who is wearing white top red bottom TOO?

The clean up campaign... with a supposed lucky draw...

and the parade begins!!
I really liked the band performance!It's the second best item on the list, right after the fireworks. small in the sky sia...

Made in Singapore. on my toned arms (which I still haven't figure out how it became like that).




with our Clapsticks..

one of the singapore girls... hurhur. *waves flag*

my love relationship with fireworks, and mr. goh...

and I'm beginning to like to take pics of mr goh's behind...

so, my first NDP as a national. Although not as exciting as the one i attended two years ago, it still feels good to be in a sea of Singaporeans, singing out hearts out. And as always, the fireworks display is my favourite segment.
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