and yes, he has been very tolerant of all my nonsense too. putting up with my 'xiao jie pi qi'.
but tonight, he reallly got MADDDDD.
It all happened like this...
After watching death note, we dropped by the citibank booth cos Mr goh wanted to sign up for some cards and this ah beng looking person served us, happily asked for all the details, told mr goh to send in his cpf form la, what not la.... chatted me up with the 'halloween@zouk' topic...
and we happily went for dinner.

when mr goh still looks like a good nice puppy.....
fwah. HOT LIAO.
i told him the citibank guy didn't return his IC to him. so we called up that fella, who insisted that there's no way the IC could still be at the booth, cos if it was, his colleagues would have seen it.
Fwah. even more HOT.
the thought of having to go through the procedures (going to make police report, make time to go to immigration centre to have a new IC done, take new IC photos...etc etc) and the thought of another 100 bucks or so flying away... After spending money to fix the 'lobang' on the car... Fwah... HOT to the max.
until i sat like a little rabbit next to him. watching him speed off on the highway, not saying anything, 'machiam' the silent killer. And my toes curled. my mouth zipped. my fists clenched. praying that on the way back to the citibank booth, he wouldn't meet with another accident again.
Heng the booth still there when we reached ah!
and INDEED, the IC was still on the photocopier when the fella took it to zap. I clearly rememebered he didn't return it to us. Heng the workers were still clearing the booth.
I could hear the 'thud' sound on mr goh's heart as he finally put down a big stone from his heart (Xiong1 kou3 fang4 xia4 yi1 li4 da4 shi2).
(kids, don't do this at home, or anywhere.....)

to the citibank fella.
my bf is a MONSTER.
but he was nice enough to buy some cakes for the workers who helped find his IC. Niceeee...
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