With a literacy rate of 94.2%, why can't people read the 'keep left' instructions? Even if they can't read the instructions, there are illustrations!
I am totally put off today. It's not even rush hour. I was going to get off the train and when the door opened, this woman and this ah pek just walked right in, and pushed me all the way back into the train again. Like they never even see me standing there.
Hello?? The train is like 10% filled. Lotsa seats for them. They obviously can tell when the train slowed down.
AND the train is not going to SPEED OFF after i drop off.
so WHY? I really don't understand.
We're supposed to be the educated people. lotsa courtesy campaigns going on all round the year. Give up seats to the elderly and pregnant. Stay clear of the closing door. *Didididididiiii...* Move towards the inside of the train. Give way to passengers who are leaving the train. Keep left on the escalator.
In FOUR freaking different languages.
I was scolded when i stood on the left on the escalator in Taiwan (they're supposed to keep right-- they follow the US system). They obviously could tell i'm foreign because EVERYBODY stood on the RIGHT, so that people who are in a hurry could walk up on the left side. The taiwanese queue up to get into the train, AFTER the passengers get out first.
See picture as evidence.

So what is wrong with our people?
to think we actually coin ourselves as a gracious society.
i forgot,
we're a kiasu bunch too.
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