There I was, this harmless, unarmed girl, walking along the pavement at a leisurely pace (read: non-threatening at all), eating my Char Siew Bao, enjoying the morning breeze.... soaking in the warm sunshine... thinking how wonderful today will be...

Momentarily stunned, I could not react at all. I felt a heavy thud on my tiny head for a split second.
First thought: Bird shit arh!!
Then I saw the black creature... taking off, extending its wings.
Then second thought: BAD LUCK!!!

I kept touching my head after that, ruffling through my hair (or what's left of it).
I told Mr Goh and he asked me if i was injured. Hm, not really, but I was shakened. He then told me to Google Crow attack and see how lucky I am. This is what I found:
1) Description of the crow: Large, black, winged bullies with a chilling caw and a look-you-in-the-face, beady-eyed arrogance.
2) In Japan: That still leaves them with plenty of work; there have been hundreds of reports of birds swooping down on people during the spring nesting season. Crows usually attack from behind, kicking or pecking at the victim's head. (which was similar to what happened to me...these sneaky fellas)
3) and in Singapore: Still a nuisance despite on-going cull programme! by Tanny Chia , CNA
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore had more than 23,000 crows shot and 2,000 nests destroyed last year. But despite this, the birds are apparently still a nuisance.
One resident was recently attacked by some crows. They are incessant noise-makers and messy scavengers and are also not adverse to stealing to meet their housing needs. Small wonder that crows continue to be a source of irritation for some in housing estates.
But to a Tampines resident, these birds pose a bigger threat: he was attacked by them on three occasions. The latest happened while crossing under some trees along Tampines Avenue 1. "When I was about to cross the road to the other side, I felt a strong swoop over my head. I looked up and I saw a crow, about to attack me. And tis' not the first time - I've two other bad experiences before in the Tampines area," said Yap Chew Leong.
He believes that crows attack him because he dislikes them. Sharing his belief is Filipino Nora Farnco, who had similar experiences.
"They fly over our heads, and then attack with their claws. And then they go into the trees. And then, I walk into the garden, if I turn back, the same they attack. I think they attacking me because they notice me - I drove them away," said Nora Farnco, a Filipino maid.
Are these neighbourhood residents really a danger? A Nature Society member says 'no'. According to him, the birds could have been only protecting their nests from perceived danger. He is also uncertain as to whether crows can recognise faces. (I'll have to disguise myself if they do)
"I can't confirm this fact that they can recognise people. But reports from the Singapore Gun Club has said that they have to change their crew and change their cars in order to get near to shoot them. Probably this is one of the best illustrations to say that crows are highly intelligent," said Sutari Supari, Nature Society (Singapore) Bird Group.
Intelligent perhaps but to many this is not a plus point. To control their populations, Tampines Town Council uses crow traps and culling continues. But the ENV says the solution lies in denying crows their food source, and residents can do their part by ensuring that refuse is properly bagged and disposed of.

4) FAQs about crows:
What do crows eat? Everything (including human hair meh?!)
How smart are crows? smarter than many undergraduates, but probably not as smart as ravens
How many different calls do crows make? lots, but most of them still sound like "caw" (i've realised a new found meaning for caw-peh caw-bu)
Do crows make good pets? YES, but they're very illegal. (WHAT?!?!)

Comments from family & friends after I related incident:
I: Hey.. better be safe today. ride carefully. I got clawed by a crow this morning...
Bro: Wah Lew, i got pigeon shit on my bike lor.....
I: Faint. =_=
Sis: How come claw you? Your head got food ah?
I: ... apparently, crows can recognise people's faces... I'm going to take another route to the bus stop tmr
Sis: ok, be careful tomorrow. maybe u can try dressing up as mama
I: Faint twice.
Mr. Goh: Are you injured? Why you never use your bodycombat skills on the crow?
I: Bodycombat never teach me to 'head' crows... (told Goh about pigeon shit on bro's bike)
Mr. Goh: Hahaha... you better check with your mother... (and see how she's doing)
I: Faint (3rd time)
Related it to HR...
HR: The stupid crow is just jealous that your tresses are blacker!
I: :D This makes the most sense!
and Happy Birthday HR! the tulips are for you!

1 comment:
when a person is ruthlessly mrudered, they will become crows and come back for revenge... ala THE CROW starring brandon lee...
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