Wx started the day by taking some artistic shots with his bombastic SLR: This is the building we stayed in: Sincere House. Breakfast!! Set 1, Set 2, Set 3... let you choose! and it's DAMN cheap. Less than S$5.Very nice Bor-Lor-Bao!Mr Goh says the wanton is as big as my nose and the bao is MUCH bigger than my mouth. One of the things I wanted to try in HK is to take their mini bus, which you so often see on the roads and in the HK drama serials: I only managed to take... a photo with it. = ) I suppose that half counts.
FIRST STOP: NGONG PING 360 degrees. DAMN A LOT of (chinese) people queueing EARLY in the morning. And it was FREEZING - strong winds strong winds and strong winds. Even colder than at the peak. Brrrrrr.... View from the top. For the first ten minutes, we were going Oohh-ing and Ahh-ing at the views... until the ride turned out to be painfully LONG (5.7km, ~30 min ride).... and they keep playing this song, over and over and over and over and over again, until we reach Ngong Ping Village (another tourist trap) So we made Mr Goh pole dance in the cable car, or rather, he started dancing in the cable car
Ngong Ping Village: Nothing much to do at the village... other than.. taking pictures of/with the Buddha and breathing the FRESH air. Tourist souvenirs, as usual, are expensive. One of the few interesting things is probably the toilet sign. And we had HOT Vitasoy, which was good.I just wanted to get out of the place AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, cos our next stop was the DISNEYLAND!
The following is a series of photo/video of how we went absolutely CRAZY in Madame Tussauds:
=THE CELEBRITIES= Yea.. so what if you're taller than Aaron, Mr Goh... work on those pecs. work it, work it.
He got Ayumi... I got Jay (albeit the uglier version...)
Since it's the xmas season... some of the wax figures had santa claus hats (may I add.. silly santa claus hats) and... WHERE GOT BOOBS SO BIG ONE!
The Diva with the Andy Laus.
Everyone wanted a pic with Monroe, except Mr Goh...
=THE HISTORICAL AND NATIONAL HEROES= Our brush with the royalty, and Mr Goh (pretending to be wax as well).
Can you spot me in the painting? Mr Goh getting buddy buddy with MM Lee.
So what if you're the president eh?
=THE STAR PLAYERS= YAO MING! Even armpit hair also have! And mr Goh attempting to intercept... air?
=AND THE ONE WITH THE NOSE= Mr Goh's vest damn match Jackie's. He can join Jackie in the 'Fei Hu Dui'. keke.
Naturally, we went up to the 'Shan Deng' - it was FREEEEEEEZING.
The 'Yeh-Geng' - night scene from Victoria Peak
DINNER @ TSUI WAH RESTAURANT The one with the Greens is Ox's tongue which JZ had... I had a bite and it's just chewy... but the thought of frenching an ox.... Erh... I'll stick with my beef horfun. Mr Goh had steak the WHOLE DAY.
Drinks at this pub... (i think is called Fong). Had a really goood time catching with Steph, talking about work, bosses, our over-the-edge work-travel experiences. How we learnt to be more independent and try not to fall into traps when travelling alone... She's the one I worked with on my first desk-bound report, as well as the first on my first overseas project. I remember sharing a 'Smelly toufu' along the streets in taipei with her. And I finally told her that I cried every night during that trip cos I missed home sooo much.
'You should have told me!' she said. Yea, I should have told her. :)
Our ride back to Kowloon - 'Guorh Hoi' / crossing the sea
Friday morning rush hour, had the typical Set A. B. C. type of breakfast near where Mr. Goh's parents were staying. My century egg porridge was really yummy. And we saw a police car outside the Char-Can-Teng! but the 'Geng-Tzat' is nothing like Andy Lau style one... Mr Goh catching a wink on the comfy bed We saw more 'Geng-Tzats' along the streets! And erh.. that girl umbrella Mr Goh is carrying is mine. =) Made our way to the Central mid-level escalators - Hollywood Road En route to my co.'s HK office along Hollywood road and stopped by Pacific Coffee which is just right next to the office building. It's a great feeling to be just having a cuppa and watch the world go by. :) And yes, that's Mr Goh zipping up his fly. Dunno how many streets and people we've passed and we still didn't notice that his fly was undone. tsk tsk tsk. With colleague Stephy. Day Two Lunch: I didn't know people dip their utensils in the tea to 'disinfect' until that day. see the meat? where can you find that in singapore? I can't remember how much it is.. but it's cheap. The balls of Gucci - with me in their reflection ;)while the guys were figuring out where we really are... Map-reading. and Xmas flowers! I think.. they're called poinsettias? Touristy attraction(s) of the day: MADAME TUSSAUDS & THE PEAK Will continue... going out for some Guangzhou Ma La Huo Guo now!
Finally 'bugged' Mr Goh to get the remaining HK pics from wx and jz. :))
Thanks guys!
It was a nostalgic ride this morning (why are flights to HK always so early in the morning??).
5 months earlier, we were a bunch of happy kids who can't wait to 'mai dong xi chi dong xi mai dong xi chi dong xi' in HongKong. NOW, I'm on my own Happily sent to T1 by Mr Goh, which explains why I love this tee as well (no matter if others think it's how shallow :)
It says "Gotta love a guy who can DRIVE", to which Mr Goh added, "you crazy." Watched Music and Lyrics on the plane... and i LOVE it! I love drew and hugh (in super tight pants).
I love 'Don't write me off yet' - I put myself in Drew's shoes and it so bloody touched my heart. I'd marry whoever writes a song like that for me. ;)(It reminded me of the Adam Sandler song though)
THEN: at the (oh-so-familiar) airport, on the (oh-so-familiar) A21 bus. NOW: gotta buy my own ticket, lug my luggage on the bus, and sit at the lower deck (to keep a close watch on my luggage). But I got myself a smashing cool drink - Royal Honey Jelly & Bird's Nest Watermelon juice! THEN & NOW: THEN: Our first LUNCH The rickshaw/trishaw noodle is SO much better than the one in Singapore la! cannot fight! Even Eric Tsang loves the food there! OUR NEXT STOP: Stanley Market - It's a long and dreary (cos raining) ride. Along the way, we passed by Repulse Bay - which was quite deserted since no one in their right mind would go swimming in winter. And that's Jackie Chan's fengshui apartment on the top left hand corner. It was quite disappointing at Stanley cos there's nothing much to get there... though wx found some really good bargain for ties..while we found some ... interesting things. =) And the blue building is so perfect for kodak moments. DINNER: Met up Mr Goh's parents for dinner (we did not arrange to go to HK together) at this Hakka restaurant. Good food! It was then that we realise that the HK servings are HUGE. We can hardly finish all that we've ordered... (and that's not pics of all that we've ordered....) TIMES SQUARE & THE SHIT: JZ unfortunately stepped on a pile of shit (i guess freshly produced) and we know which dog did it. While she (and wx) was busy cleaning it off at a corner, I was busy holding my breath for whoever walked past that pile or SPLATTER of SHIT. Until, Mr goh placed some tissue paper there. =_= I was having a good time holding my breath.... Mr Goh acting 'cool' and trying to puff himself up to become like Allan Wu at Ladies' Street. LAST STOP of DAY ONE: DESSERT. I love Dan-Dan.
NOW: Checked into a Tatami Hampton Hotel along Nathan Road. It's pretty decent for a budget hotel, much better than Dragon Hostel we stayed at the last time. Room is not big, the cupboard is tiny, I can squeeze in between the walls. And since it was raining raining raining when I checked in, I felt lazy and didn't go to FF as planned. But, I played with my new toy! SHOPPING & DINNER: Finally decided to brace the rain and get out to see see look look. Went to Causeway Bay's Jardine's Bazaar, which was a really lousy choice, cos it was POURING. And this sales lady pissed me off - i wanted to try this denim skirt, they have a changing room, the item is not on sale and she told me I have to buy it before I can try it?! Shen jing bing.
So.. went to Times Square again and wanted to try my luck at finding the 2046 restaurant. Now I really understand why I can never make a good geography student. I suck at reading maps. I took 45 min to find the place, often walking in the opposite direction. Took two wrong turns and ended up far far away, then had to walk back to Times Square.
By the time i got to the restaurant, my toes are hardly alive. And thinking that the set meals would be very big portions, I didn't order them. Instead, i ordered chicken corn soup and goldfinch fried rice, which ... still turned out to be damn HUGE servings!! (Oh, everyone else around me ordered their steak... so i suppose they serve damn good steak) To be continued......