I forget things very easily but yet there are so many things I want to remember....
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Mulling over the options
or in my case now, two more opened.
I finally plucked up my courage to approach boss this morning
white envelope in my head
one look at it and he knows what's going on in my head
'do you have some time for coffee downstairs?'
Awkward silence while waiting for the elevator....
'So...you're resigning...'
'Yea, i've accepted an offer in Hong Kong'
Shocked look on face.
'This is not a good year for me.'
(I know.)
I told boss this is an opportunity for me to work overseas
he went into a rage
'but i've sent you overseas!'
I got pricked by guilt at this moment...
'I know boss.. but .. but.. '
'Well, is there anything I can do to make you stay?'
I should have said no. I should have said I've made up my mind.
And then he carried on...
'a longer secondment in hk? more responsibilities? anything?'
And i made the mistake of telling him the plans i made,
the route i had in my mind
to go from working in a boutique firm, and progress to a larger organisation
I love research, and I believe in the work I'm doing
and i'm lucky i have good appreciative clients.
I told him my old plan of trying to find a job in australia - to be closer to my dad, mr goh (when he studies there)
'What if we place you in the sydney office? You'll be doing something different in sydney, helping out our partner with a different job scope...'
Attractive... very attractive... it's an option.
and I hate making decisions.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
This is IT.
I have made my decision.
It will be a new direction,
it is exactly as I have planned,
as I have dreamed...
just didn't expect it to be Hong Kong.
I'm learning the lesson of letting go -
getting out of the comfort zone to explore new possibilities
giving up all the perks (frequent travels, extreme flexibility, etc etc)
so many loved ones, friends, things I will miss
such is letting go...
and I can't hide my excitement
such is the conflict of emotions in me.
wish me luck.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
the one week in HK felt longer than a week.
watched SATC the second time in HK (uncut version) on mon
didn't cry as much, but laughed harder
TUES night: went for a dance class with zhijin
Choice of music: Falling out, by Keyshia Cole
It was way good. The instructor was way good. Couldn't say the same for myself. I've slowly lost the passion for dance. I danced thinking that my steps were not good enough. extremely conscious of my moves.
I should be dancing without any inhibitions. why didn't i?
WED: never a good idea to skip lunch. I had two dresses, one blouse, a ring, a thinning wallet and an empty stomach.
Dinner was at RED at IFC with Fion and Steph. Healthy fusion food - i like. So much laughing my stomach ached.
Got tipsy with glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon, and the world started spinning, and slow dancing, and i was ... smiling. :)
THURS: butterflies in stomach. I hadn't gone for an interview in years. I mean, i meet people and conduct interviews/discussions with them... but this is different - although I thought i did farely well. I'm surprised how at ease i was when i was there. please. make it happen. Before Sunset.
FRI: the 13th. Two presentations, same set of materials, to two different groups of people. Five hours altogether. My throat was killing me. I stopped myself from talking the next couple of hours.
Dinner at cwb with fion - this girl can't bear to have me away from hk. haha. what would i do in hk without her...
It started pouring - the red storm warning. My cable signal went haywire and images appeared in spurts and slow motion. Not a good time to stay home, so we headed out to beijing club - where (I curse the day he was born!) idiot man grabbed my boobie. The Jager bomb got me. I puked that night. =.=
and I realise i don't have tears no more. why?
SAT: Mega junk day, or supposed to be mega junk day. But the rain wouldn't stop. So everybody stayed in bed, until it's time for brunch, at the press room. And it's time for me to pack my luggage, and get ready for the land of smiles.
Wanton shrimp soup and a couple rounds of walk around CWB and the girls were headed to the ifc for more shopping and lotsa sushi eating. zhijin and eileen said i have to try desserts at 'sift' before i leave hk. Best i ever had. =)
It's becoming a ritual - to go prive during the last night in hk. It was still raining, we were drenched, but spirits were not. I cannot even imagine how we ran in the rain in our high heels. Must be quite a sight. haha
SUN: Yum cha and all those philosophical talk about karma, random talk about 90's cartoon, bryan adam music.
And i almost missed my flight again.
I was the last passenger to board, but it's definitely not the last time i'm reaching the gate on the dot.
SUAN LUM with eileen - felt surreal. Feels like we never left singapore. Sooo much to catch up on, in the span of a week and she's gone back to sg the next morning.
man, i wish i can be home.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
like i should belong here
then again, if you spend enough time in a place you like
you should feel this way?
had dim sum lunch at a local (very local) teahouse in central
Lian Xiang Lou
I'm hanging out with Kain and Eric like a guy
as eric aptly puts it
And went to his place to watch Saw 4.
tmd gruesome
but I haven't watched a scary movie for a reallllllly long time
did me some good
Dinner with Fion, AJ was good
just like the good old days
KTV as usual was a blast :D
The weather yesterday was perfect
sun, mountains, waters
with Joanna wang crooning her tunes
did me real good.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Black rainstorm Saturday
the roads were flooded
the flight was extremely bumpy nearing HK
the luggages were late cos of a technical glitch
no cars can come in/go out of the airport
Airport express was damn packed, with extremely long Qs
I took 2.5 hours to reach central
Not exactly the most perfect airport experience
but the rest of the day made up for it
Had a good time out with Jason and Kain
drinking (non-alcoholic), and just talking nonsense
it feels like a holiday
I don't want to go to work
my teeth still ache :( and i've got mouth and tongue ulcers
how nice is that.
stayed in last night, but was awake til 2.30
woke up at 830 for some strange reason
and started doing face masks and what not
it's definitely therapeutic
couldn't go mountain biking/hiking as planned
cos there are warnings of landslide :(
I MUST get some work done today.
So i can enjoy the public holiday tmr. :)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Patience does the trick
but I was in for more surprise
when the lily buds bloomed.