Saturday, April 30, 2011

The epic move 2011

Throughout my growing days in singapore, I have only moved once (in 20+ years).

I grew up in this neighborhood in outram, not far from Chinatown. Then my family moved to clementi (when I was 16?) And we stayed there since, though I did spend a fantastic 3 years in NTU dorm with Mich, only going back home during weekends.

For clementi, I wasn't involved in the renovation decisions, nor the cleaning up. All I could remember doing was to pick the lamp shade.

I don't even remember if I moved my clothes. My mum has this rule about throwing away 'useless' items - I.e. excessive clothes, accessories, shoes, cards, mails. Thus, I don't own my old school uniforms any more. My mum keeps all our photo albums though - back in those days when you still need to develop pictures.

The move was completely effortless, from what I remember.

Since 2008, I have moved 5 times - in 3 years; the recent move had to be the most challenging.

Uprooting myself from singapore to hk was not too difficult since I was allowed to have a shipload of belongings to be moved to hk - I couldn't be happier! The unhappy part of it was how to fit all my stuff in the tiny apartments I rented. It didn't help that I had to expand my wardrobe to include winter stuff.

Space is so very precious in hk. It is even more precious and delicate when you stay with someone else.

The 6 month cohabitation with j (sep-mid mar 2011) proved so, and even more so when we moved to stay with his parent's for 2 months.

Now, we have finally moved in to the new flat (thank god!)- the project which we had been working on since last Dec, the epic move.

While we still have furniture and some other household items to shop for, the flat is ready for living in. :)

Every corner I turn, I see j's contribution as well as mine (his industrial kitchen look and my aqua bathroom worked beautifully). While the works could have been done better, this is the closest to perfection we can achieve.

Let's hope we won't have to make another move too soon and get to enjoy the fruits of our labour a little longer....
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1 comment:

Yanlin said...

Should get marry soon =P Happy for you to moving into your "fruit of labour" =)