Since we've both had less than optimal sleep hours last weekend, this weekend shall be relaxing. I didn't have to work so I woke up early to catch SuperBand
So we met later and only had time for dinner. Mr Goh brought me to outback steakhouse, thinking I've not been there before.... but heh, he doesn't know I've been there and done that (i.e. checked out the rather cute waiter- who still happens to be working there).
A must-order from outback. BUSHMAN SCHROOMS. >puts other schrooms to shame. Don't even think about the schrooms burger of KFC.

Time to look at other stuff they have on the menu....

and peekaboo!

Hmm...nice dinner place.. must take nice pictures right! and again, playing with the digicam...
this is RETRO mode.

this is CANDLELIGHT mode. (which effectively made me look like i'm roasting in an oven, with a spastic smile)An overexposed shot.


and FOOD mode.


and then we dig in. I had ribs on the Barbie, a little hard for my liking. Goh had some Burger Max. and we took two and a half hours to finish everything. I cannot imagine having mains like these every single day of my life. Faint. Another table of angmohs ordered lotsa and lotsa burgers and they finished their meal faster than us! So we tried to sing Guo Huo- the Mi Lu Bin style and Tarcy Su's lemon tree and ya zi and what not, taking time to let our food settle in and digest. :))
Sunday was another relaxing day. just bumming around town. Spinelli's new Citrus Twist is really nice! go try it! Ice blend of pineapple, orange and vanilla, i think. and strawberry cheesecake. double yum.

Some shops have started having sales already, when the GSS officially starts next Friday! Pre-GSS sales, they call it. Cheaterbugs. I won't be surprised if there's gonna be Post-GSS sales. In any case, sale is always GOOD. but it is SO frustrating to see something which I bought less than a week ago put on sale! roar.
The start of GSS also marks my first year anniversary with my current firm. :))
Will try to hang in there for another year, at least. Provided if no one steps on my toes and break my nails.

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