Noticed the patterns around the hotel... Big Orange/Yellow/Red lanterns; rattan chair, cupcakes, the carpet and my sling.

There's a huge cake made up of many many little cupcakes... If only they're real! I think it's to celebrate Panpac's 20th birthday.

Chun Lians

Round and about the spa place

And it's off to visiting mother's friends!

Wanted to wake up at 8am today... but woke up at 11 instead! Mr Goh had to give me a long endless morning call before i finally woke up.
Intended to go to FF for some workout, but ended up using just the sauna, before we had to leave for 'Just Follow Law' at Vivo.
The show is not bad, but not fantastic. Mr Goh enjoyed it though, said he can identify with how 'arrows' are shot in the company, and how everything must 'black-and-white'. I thought they have gone overboard with product advertisements. Gone are the days when the sponsors are only made known when the credits roll. Fann acted well, surprisingly and Gurmit is just... gurmit. we both felt Mark lee would have made a better Lim Teng Zhui. And as usual, jack neo will not miss having those heart warming scenes in his movie.
This girl, sitting next to me, was LAUGHING DAMN LOUDLY. like, HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! HUR HUR HUR HUR HUR! which was quite annoying. I hate watching shows with a bad audience.
We walked about Vivo and they have this shallow pool at their top level. The pool looks damn dirty lor. Usually, the base of the pool is tiled blue to create the crystal clear blue waters effect, but this one is tiled BROWN (obviously trying to discourage people to swim in it). But hor, still a lot of kids swimming in it leh! and they come prepared too! swimming trunks and towels! -Faint- walked another metre further from the swimming kids and we saw this couple washing their feet in it. EWwwwwww.

Trigger happy moments again. I'm really having a lot of fun with the collages. Many thanks to ~* ros *~ for the tip!

Vivo is definitely not a place to go have your dinner! The really good restaurants have such long Qs! We settled for SHIN KUSHIYA.
Clockwise from top left: Warm Mixed Salad with citrus soy dressing-Yummy! Japanese potatoes with fish roe-not so yummy. Grilled rice with minced chicken fillings (Mr Goh says this is the Japanese BA ZHANG). Me making the pregnant fish kiss, which now i think is quite lesbo. The restaurant-which plays bossa nova music, making it... not so jap. Mr Goh prying open his jap ba zhang. Inside the jap ba zhang. Our yakitori and etc. Middle: SHIN salts-with spicy, plum and green tea flavoured salts.

Food was not that fantastic. Quite salty leh. I think the Yakitori place at Cuppage (I think called Kushinjin) is still the BEST wor. served HOT, not warm. And not too salty. and the staff speaks Jap. and the music... hmm, i don't remember the music.
Do try out Kim Gary Hong Kong restaurant at Vivo, but you may have to queue for at least 30 minutes or more.
Random thoughts:
Mother made noise about me going to Bai Tai Sui before the Lunar New Year. =_=
I only ate TWO mandarin oranges (at once, just now) for the past few days. Will have to finish as many as I can tomorrow....before my dental appointment on Thursday morning!!! Sure DAMN PAIN... na bei.
time for bed.
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