It doesn't feel like a weekend at all, and that didn't bother me.
It's fullfilling when you wake up early in the day with an itinerary.
- finish last chapter of report
- Nike rockstar workout
- 2.4km run
- back to office to tie up loose ends
Was surprised that apart from these above mentioned activities, I pretty much didn't think of anything else.
Not even Mr Goh (until he called much later in the evening).
So I suppose I can live independently if i want to? Like.. just live for myself, on my own. Be a hermit.
There are so many things to fill my living/waking hours with and I don't necessarily need to share it with somebody. I can do it on my own and still feel... satisfied.
I wonder if it's the effect of the gym and the constant mental reminder that I am strong, I am strong and I turned out to be strong indeed.
It feels terrific. :D
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