Drinks at G Bar
So, drinks with the client (and wifey and colq) went well. The weather was just right - although for some reason, HK is becoming more hazy recently.
Client is from a US manufacturing company and he's here to attend the Asian Aerospace show - and 'shun bian' bring the wifey along for a few days of R&R. Wifey is a super sweet angmoh lady.
They've been married for 36 years -
got to know each other for 2 months, and got married 5 months later.
I asked them, what's their secret?
"A common faith"
They were referring to Christianity.
So she spoke about their 3 children and how each one of them are getting married soon and the damn sweet (and sure) way to get the girl to say 'yes' is to write her a poem (bundled together with an expensive rock- haha)
'Some people meet and know they're meant for each other
and work towards a common goal
Others meet and think they're meant for each other
and gave up along the way'
The half hour drinks session turned into 1.5hrs.
I think I get defensive whenever somebody compares Singapore and HK - feels like a mini ambassador of Singapore.
We're not that bad, really. =)
Had dinner with Fion, Aj and Karen at Ajisen (CWB). We only ordered the appetizers - 10 of them. They're really good!
(except for the chicken wing thingy)
The wasabi squid sashimi and beef roll with the mushroom (金针菇) are must trys! I don't know if they serve this in Ajisen SG - one bad experience with Ajisen SG ramen and I've never gone to Ajisen again.
I'm a silly goose.
After I hopped on the bus, I realised that I've left the apt's keys AND office keys in the office - time was 11pm +.
Thank God that I have the LKF unit's keys,
although i'm not supposed to move in until Saturday. ^^
If not, I'll have to sleep on the streets!
Grabbed some toiletries from 7-11 and made my way to the unit.
(Staff at 7-11 commended me for not asking for plastic bags, supporting the movement - haha)
No change of clothes, so i slept in the nude. haha.
It's quite shiok, really. I felt as if I was floating on clouds.
I love full length mirrors.
New adventure awaits
Friday ended with news that I'm making a trip to Shanghai next week!
Will touch base with boss and new colq on Tues evening. Should be coming back on Saturday since the convention ends Saturday... I can't decide if I want to spend Sunday there too? A group of SG friends are visiting this coming weekend... and i'd love to show them around... :D
Friday dinner was at 小肥牛. I try the weirdest things when I'm abroad.
The condiments and our shopping prior dinner. (I need to stop buying things and eating so much for dinner.)
(Clockwise from top left) Pig's skin oil (猪皮油). Sharks' jaw. Both. Cow's throat.
Why all same colour one?

Close up of the sharks' jaws.
Are they teeth marks?!?!

There's no particular taste to all three.
The pigs skin is just plain oily (and crispy), shark's jaws and cow's throat just taste very Q, 口感很好!
The kingfisher sashimi was sooo o-i-shi!
And a whole lot of other food...Beef ball with cheese was the best.
AJ actually suggested going to Shenzhen for massage after dinner -but since I didn't go home last night, I don't have my passport with me
and I have tonnes of things to pack!
Shifting to LKF in the morning.
I packed til 4am+ on Sat morning
Pictures of new apt will be posted next!
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