It's hard to imagine the bonds I made with people I only know for a week
the last weekend in Sao Paulo was the best time I spent in the city
Dinner and drinks at a local pub
with Norberto and wife, Alex and Elina
Lotsa beer and laughter
New portugese vocabulary learnt
I love these people

and it disgusts me to know our locals don't treat one another this way
I probably drank the most beer in my entire drinking history
the beer man just keep shoving glasses to you once you've finished your glass
and we still managed to go for desserts afterwards

at Ofner - 24 hours Brasil cafe
where Elina and Alex shared stories of their lives in Sao Paulo
how they met and fell in love (7 years!)
they're such a lovely couple
I'd really want to be at their wedding when the day comes
By the time i got back to the hotel
it was 5.30am
I took a shower and the sun had risen

Didn't sleep the whole night - packed my luggage - which is ready to burst
Lunch was at a Churrasco restaurant with Alex and Elina
lotsa meat - mr goh would have loved it

tried chicken heart and i didn't like it - haha

I didn't have time to visit downtown Sao Paulo
so Alex drove around downtown and explained the various history and buildings

and showed me the ugliest building in Sao Paulo

and introduced me to the exotic fruits of Brasil
I really like the high caloric Acai =)
I was going to take a taxi to the airport myself
but they offered to send me there
Alex: 'okay, i'm now going to turn my taxi meter on'
he's such a funny guy
he shared his experiences of missing flights
and i laughed until my stomach hurt
'a boy stuck in grown man's body' - is what mr goh calls him.

Took me 1 hour to queue and have my luggage checked in,
and i slept while standing in the line (alex: you're not allowed to sleep while queueing in brasil)
When it finally came to my turn,
the airline staff told me the gate is next to mackerdollagie
I: Huh? Do you speak english?
Airline staff: Yes. gate next to mackerdollagie.
I: what mackerdollagie?
Airline: yes, mackerdollagie.
I: Errrr... okay. mackerdollagie.
Turns out mackerdollagie is macdonalds in portugese.
then the worst part came
the hugs, the 'take care', 'i'll miss you', 'i'll write', 'i'll send you the pictures', 'thanks for taking care of me'
and i know it's going to be years before we ever meet again on the same land.
and tears just rolled down uncontrollably.
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