I must say I looked and felt retro with the polka dotted 'happy' dress. I just lacked platform shoes and a polka dotted ribbon for my hair to complete the retro picture. Can still afford to throw in some bubble-gum shades for an extra dosage of fun.

Anyways, it was a really enjoyable evening. This lady, well-known for her various hats and powerful vocals, has been singing since the early 70s!! Her first song was in 1972 lor.... and it's amazing how there are still fanatic fans supporting her all these years!! FFF's probably in her late 50s but still look very pretty, like late 30s!
Stage and the supporters

The concert lasted for 3 hours or so and towards the end, I was sceptical that there will be an encore but at the same time, hoping that there will be people chanting the magic words for FFF to come out and sing again. And they did! So her most loyal fans were going, "Encore, encore, encore..." and we find ourselves shouting encore too. It was fun. Heeh. and the funny thing was, FFF came out after 5 min, and said, "Did I change fast enough? I was afraid you guys would leave!" That tickled my mum and up til today, she's still talking about it.
We were given free light sticks too! Sea of lights...

This is one of my favourite songs she sang that night.
We could hear from her voice that she was trying to control her tears when she sang this. and honestly, I could feel tears rolling in my eyes too. She is really a superstar and her songs, the ways she emote, really gan dong dao wo. And my mum, I could see from her eyes that throughout the entire evening, she was transported back to the 70s and 80s, back when she was about my age, still a pretty young thing and reminiscing those times when she’d go for tea parties and song and dance. And that made me want to tear even more. I don’t know why, do I feel sorry for my mum that she’s lost her youth? Or do I feel happy for her that she’s finally able to ‘xiang fu’ now that all her children are grown up? Hmm...
Anyways, I love oldies. The songs from the past really have a different flavour and feel to it. I wonder if Stefanie sun’s songs will have the same effect on my children 30 years down the road...

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