Saturday was k lunch with mr. peh, finally...after countless pang sehs. I'm not sure how i should be feeling about the way things turned out btn him and a certain girl. i just pray she doesn't do anything funny again, because karma really exists. Just read my entry in may last year -do you believe in karma.......
Attended yun's baptism on sunday morning. Really happy to see her take a step forward and commit herself to something which she truly believes in. It'll be a whole new way of living life and viewing things around us. :) happy for you, angela!
Eileen, post the pictures soon! better still, send us to our gmail accounts!
Lunch at crystal jade HV was another round of bashing irritating people in our lives, some politicky discussions and travel plans (fun places for some-like taipei and far away and scary sounding places-like karzakstan, not even sure if it's spelt this way)
and then off to my complimentary skin analysis at Kanebo! They have this machine thingy which will magnify your pores many many times!!! It's quite scary looking. Anyway, my skin lacks moisture!! People who work in the office, pls moisturise!!
The beauty consultant was telling me how everything will go downhill after 25 years of age. yikes.
The MUMMY returns!

Mr Goh took the pics while I had the face mask thingy on. I was trying hard not to laugh and just wanted to relax my face.
The MUMMY returns yet again!

I'm supposed to do this face masky thing 2-3 times a month on my own...... reminds me of the saying that goes, there's no ugly women in this world but only lazy women! I mean, I already have trouble keeping up to the 3 step regime every day and night. Cleanse, tone and moisturise. Now the lady suggests i put a UV protector sheen on top as well! That'll be 15 min of my time in the morning, which means I'll have to wake up earlier to do all these. really takes some effort to do all these religiously.
but the effects were wonderful!!

Pink, glowy, dewy skin. Need to do something about my eye bags though.
So, all in all, i spent quite a bit on my mum's cosmetics and my own. and since there was some promotional thing at metro (min spend of 400) and you'd be able to get the casio exilim at 49% off. so.... I got that as well!!

Not an impulsive buy... i hope (me and mr goh went to courts to check out the camera first) 49% off leh! and comes with 256mb sd card and free leather case!! Haha, yah, very auntie to mention the freebies, i know. So, we decided it's quite a steal and it's time i get a new digicam too. twice the megapixel of the old canon and so much cheaper!!!! Technology and its way of creative destruction. I love gadgets!
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