had to get to office early cos boss will be having a conference call in the morning and i'm not sure if he knows how to operate the 3-way phone conferencing function on the phone... but turned out that the other associate is dialling from home, so that's not a problem...
and I really wanted to do work today. 100% concentration, so i can finish up the report asap. which is a good thing, cos halfway while I was working, boss came round and asked to use my comp to skype, cos he's lost his skype sign in and password, will have to use my account to dial in to other shareholders. phew, heng don't have any non-work related windows opened on my comp. HeeeH.
have got a 2pm meeting in the afternoon with boss and client at harbour front centre. so i head out for lunch with mae first while boss was still having conference call. and he mentioned he'll be going home after the call... and i was hoping he wouldn't want me to tag along for the interview later....but..... he called and asked me to cab there myself. So.... quick lunch, back to office, brushed my teeth, grabbed the laptop and hopped on a cab.
that's when the day starts to get more exciting....
i asked the driver to take me to harbourfront centre, and i'm running late. then i ran for the lift before the door closed. there were a few people in the lift, and when i looked, it doesn't go to the level the office is!! so, i just pressed the lowest level it goes to (level 10) and was frantically pressing BUT the freaking level button didn't light up!! so i keep pressing and presing and pressing... still never light up... okay never mind.. i go back down to the 1st level.... then i looked for the lift lobby which goes to level 9...and started pressing 9 9 9 9 9...then this guy came into the lift, swiped a card near a sensor thing and pressed a level number... i almost fainted. cos the other people in the first lift must be laughing at me like siao!! but none of them offered to tell me what i should do!! ARGH. but this guy is also only half-kind. he told me i have to get a card from the security before i can access the levels, while i was hoping he would help me get to my level. BAH.
so i went down to the security. and... TADAH! i found that i was at the wrong building. the cab driver brought me to harbourfront TOWER, when i asked for harbourfront CENTRE. great, time check, 15 min late. boss called to ask where i am. : l heng the tower is just next to the centre. and heng, when i got there, the interviewee was out of the conference room to get some materials. BUT then, my laptop didn't start properly and i was fiddling with it when my boss and client were conversing. i would have dug a hole in the ground and sticked my head inside.
so great, interview went off pretty well, boss had to head off to another meeting, so i cab back to office on my own. and surprise surprise! mae told me allen thought she didn't understand chinese and was making personal phone calls in the office and speaking quite loudly... but he suddenly hush hushed when i returned. sigh. i'm not sure if u're tired of hearing stuff about dear mr AT, but i'm quite tired of his antics. and since he knew boss was not going to come back for the rest of the day, we were secretly hoping he would fall asleep, cos we've got our cameras ready. ha ha.
then time went by and i can still hear dear mr AT clicking his mouse away, oh well, better to concentrate on my work....until i wanted to pee... and i saw him sleeping!! hand was on the mouse no doubt...but only for show!! so, we decided to be more daring and took closer up pics of AT. hurhur... my heart was beating so fast it almost leaped out of my mouth!!

hurhurhurhurhur... it takes forever to upload the video on youtube.... but if u've seen the clip, my hand was trembling. i was so scared he would wake up! haha, but mae said he should be more worried if he wakes up. ha ha
then to the dior addict party with mae. the new fragrance is really quite nice! one of those scent which doesn't leave me sneezing and sneezing. and the model for the make up tips session was very tall la!!

then there was the midnight shopping at wisma.. and i decided to be 'auntie' and shop til a min of 150 so i can get lucky draw chances and maybe win a subaru! also get a 20 wisma voucher for spending min. 120. heeh heeh. but i am so stupid. i paid 12 bucks in cash, so i couldn't qualify for the min. 150 lucky dip!! oh well... too tired le.. but i must say...good service will always guarantee good shopping experience!!
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