I think my life is getting too dramatic.
Tom gave me a morning call. Fell out of bed.
Dumped all toiletries, facial cleanser stuff, PJs and misc into the luggage and locked it.
Standing at corner of Lan Kwai Fong desperately trying to flag a cab with tiny raindrops falling on my head.
Reached HK Station, happily queued in line to check in before I get on the Airport Express. I should have sensed something wrong when there's no queue for online check in passengers. Text Tom to inform him to check in at the airport first since I'm still in the Q...
After a long wait, I was told, in a super calm manner by the CX staff that ... I'M LATE FOR MY FLIGHT!!! and the next Airport Express is leaving at 8am. My flight is 910am, Boarding time is 20 minutes before, airport express would take 30 min to reach airport... so you do the maths.
Nabei, CX staff bluff me. The Airport Express train left at 0758 and the next one is arriving in 12 minutes. Tom is calling me from the airport... because... he cannot check in.... because I had booked the air tickets with my credit card and they need to see me in person with my credit card!!! holy moly!
All this while on the train, images of how we (Mr Goh, Wx & Jz) almost missed our flight in HK last dec flashed. We had missed the check in timing, BUT luckily, the flight was delayed... and Mr Goh's "C'mon, you gotta get us on this flight!" somewhat helped...
I CANNOT miss this flight - the next one is at 2pm and I would have missed my scheduled interview at ... hurr 2pm.
Ran for my life, in 3.5 inches heels, rolling luggage, swinging hangbag to counter B23...only to find out.....
my toiletries! my entire facial cleansing regime! Poof!!!! They are expensive shit! and I only started using one 2 weeks ago! It's not even utilised for more than 10%!!
What would you do, tell me, what would you do...
In line to pass the customs - Had to pick the shortest line! but...
Officer: (flipping my passport)- Is this REALLY you?
FAINT - Look very different MEH?Dramamama: (sweetest smile) Yes, and sorry, but could you hurry up cos I'm rushing for my flight (again, sweetest smile)
Officer: Sure, I'm trying to find your date of entry to HK stamp. So.. your surname is LUO?
Dramamama: =_=
CX lady staff brought me to the line for flight crew to scan luggage and walk through the detector thingy.
I'm SO GRATEFUL TO THIS LADY! She looked more worried and anxious than me! She's been such a GREAT help!
Officer: I'm sorry, but all these items are more than 100ml and you cannot take them on board.
Dramamama: (pained look) but these are all very expensive.... can I pls keep.. this .. this .. and this... (tries very hard to imitate puss in Shrek)
Officer throws back one tube which is 125g. ^ ^ but took out all the rest. BAH.
Ran for my life. Tom was waiting at the boarding gate.
Hooray! WE MADE IT! My cells have never felt this alive before.
= Ninoy Aquino International Airpot - Mabuhay (Welcome) US! =
= The clear sky strong juxtaposed with the clustered buildings below =
= We're transformed to mini millionnaires with Pesos! =
More sights and sounds tomorrow!