Sunday, September 30, 2007

Get a workout while you walk - Fitflops

My red Fitflops

I haven't been wearing flipflops since I got to HK. I've brought my birks here when I first arrived, but asked Mr Goh or the girls (I can't remember which group) to take it home for me, along with the other of my shopping stuff - cos I was simply accumulating too many shoes here.

So I had been in heels and covered toes all these while.

It felt liberating to finally have my feet breathe and feel the spring in my steps - 'Bo-ing!'

And hopefully.. in a few months' time... my legs would look like this...


for more info about the fitflops - check out

)) Over the mOon ((

It's times like these ...
I feel so IMMENSELY satisfied.

From NY client:
"Thank you for your excellent service.
We hope to be in touch with you
in the future.
It was a pleasure meeting you and
you should certainly contact me
when you make it to my side of the world."

From boss:
"Well done - sounds like it all went OK.
I take my hat off to you:
your first focus group with
non-English/Mandarin native speakers
on a technical subject
and in the enemy's camp."
I am over the moon.
Took pains to prepare myself for the session:
watching the NY FG session;
doing my homework on the subject matter;
even a 1 hour crash course on how to conduct the ENTIRE session in cantonese.
My palms were wet, my stomach felt uneasy - hours before the session.
But like Tom said,
CHARM them
that is your stage.
The participants turned out to be all male,
so I guess that was easy - haha.
I really hope I managed to get some valuable input from these guys.
x cross my fingers and toes x
Had the pleasure to take client out to lunch today
at Crystal Jade at IFC
only to find out that he doesn't take pork
and ALL the xiao long baos/dumplings are ALL pork filled!
Why don't they have shrimp/crab meat ones??
I'm always stressed out whenever I have to take someone out for a meal,
and this has to happen.
Luckily, he enjoyed the food very much.
I think I'm getting better at this,
meeting someone new,
feeling comfortable in his/her company
talking about everything under the sun.
I think the best part is
learning about their experiences in different parts of the world
and sharing yours with them.
New York, Battery Park, Chicago, San Diego,
St. Petersburg, Tokyo, Jaipur, Agra, Taiwan, Bangkok,
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Su zhou, Hang zhou,
Three Gorges, West Lake,
Paris, Venice, London
Tequila, Gin, Vodka, Champagne,
Coke, Red Bull, Soda water
Johnny Depp, Leo DiCaprio
Quantitative, Qualitative
Cooking, Pizzas, Bagels,
Cakes, Egg tarts, Chinese noodles
He told me we are the lucky ones -
few have the luxury to travel for work.
and yes,
I'm so thankful for all the opportunities.

At Graham Street - one of HK's iconic wet markets.

Can't wait to get to the other side of the world!

Saturday, September 29, 2007




回忆一触即发 如何忍住眼泪
不让她哭唏哩哗啦 筑就深情这样好吗
不怪现在 只怪当初
谁辜负了 谁糊涂
清醒了没 越是卖醉 却不醉
绕了一圈圈 越想念谁
吃定了谁 电影散场了没
又怎么会虎头蛇尾 看你哭红又肿的双眼

一把眼泪 一把鼻涕
怎么继续 只好放着这首歌曲
你是我的另一个人 爱这么过瘾
就像生命共同体 如今却只能写下这回忆

电影散场之后 你是否留下什么
一切不难再重头 那感伤对画面说
这决定变得轻松 夜深人静 心回头
有首歌 它一直 repeat repeat 是为了什么

是分手的时候 就让我们自由
回忆一幕幕 就像一场电影

电影终要结束 结束难免痛苦
就让这首歌 萦绕在耳边

我尝试 刻画着每一次
这首歌要播几次 有太多的舍不得事
歌词像针在刺 旋律让眼眶湿
曾几何时 开始静止 打不开的画夹

从你哝我哝的梦 到现在你懂我懂的沉默
所有的痛 就让时间来破
电影散场之后 就在那回首处

少了骗人的拼图 怎么拼得出那版图
有没有那么一首歌 会让你很想念
有没有那么一首歌 你会假装听不见

听了又掉眼泪 却按不下停止键
多少的夜 就这样开着灯 到另一个夜
人不在 就让这首歌在 回忆也还在

就让这一首歌 今夜一直重复
我们都没错 只是看清楚 原来不懂的事
哦 没有什么好说 现在先不要说
最后的拥抱 爱情的终点

張震嶽 is cool.

I wish I changed my flight back to HK to a later time!

Patty Hou actually sounds alright in this song -

unlike the terrifying rap she did in MTV 2006.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's depressing to watch CNN....

It's depressing to watch CNN

they have the breaking news in repeat

- Military attacks peaceful monks in Yangon - violent shootings
- Israel army kills eight Palestinians in two Gaza raids - Mr Peh, PLEASE DON'T GO THERE!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


今早, 接了海兵那小伙子的电话, 问我为什么还没上班。。。。 看了看时间。。。11点了。。。 还早吧。

=) 香港今天是中秋假期。

后来在网上聊着, 他跟我说他要结婚了! (我的妈啊。。。小伙子今年才21岁。) 他会和老婆在广州找工作, 告别在外的画画生涯, 开始过一些比较有‘规划的生活’。

听了, 不知道为什么。。。感觉有些安慰。

要‘规划生活’ - 这是我离开上海前, 对他说的话, 他竟然听进去了。 开心。 =)

回想起早晨的上海, 少了夜晚的浪漫和繁华, 多了看得见的怀旧。


海兵他家附近 - 他说发廊晚上是开着红色的灯的!

上海菜 - 我一个人, 都没吃完。。。 只好打包给路边的乞丐。

记得有一晚, 和海兵他们一群小伙子去唱K, 想要见识见识上海KTV是怎么样的。。。
结果 我。。。看到。。。 李国煌!!顿时晕了过去。 天啊!

隔天晚上, 约了爱强 (我旧同事Eva的老公)一起吃饭, 然后到新天地瞧瞧 - 也没什么。。。感觉好像CHIJMES。

爱强说 ARK 是享受上海摇滚的最佳地点。。。可是我来得不是时候! 错过了张震YUE!"爱我别走。。。如果你说, 你也爱我。。。"

到了BABYFACE门外。。。却没有进去。。。 =_=

挑了几张自己比较喜欢的照片。。。 也算结束了我这一次上海之旅吧!

Lovely chandeliers at Pujiang Hotel, Einstein supposedly stayed in one of the rooms before, and Shanghainese burger - only 2-freaking-RMB! that's like 40 cents sgd.

On my way to the 外滩 from Yu Yuan.

外滩 - 外国人的海滩。

外白渡桥 - 是丁力和许文强在<<上海滩>>会面的地点。

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

too much play...

It could be the nights of partying...

it could be the frequent travelling...

it could be the temperamental weather....

which made my nose leak and leak.

so while i'm nursing myself at home

on a night when there's full moon

craving for Raffle's Hotel's snowskin rum and raisin and champagne and cognac mooncake

which, on the other line, Mr Goh happily ate

So I diverted my attention elsewhere

and played with the movie maker instead

I'm not the next Lee Ang or Spielberg

to create a blockbuster hit

but everything made with heart and soul

would very nicely fit.

Tis my midsummer night's dream - a collection of all the crazy nights of boozing and laughing like a hyena.

Slow Dance


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"

You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift...
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music

Before the song is over.

Thank you dr poon for sending this. :D I really felt like I need a slow dance this morning

Monday, September 24, 2007

Finally feels like home

I've moved - again.

This is the final move, hopefully - same building, but to a higher level, bigger room space which makes it feel more like home.

The previous unit is too cell-like. This one has got more walking space, and I don't get cuts and bumps as I turn corners. =) Can't wait for mum and meesh to come visit!
Saturday was spent packing, moving, and unpacking. Putting things where they should be placed, making this place 'livable' for another two months. I can't believe I'd be in HK for almost half a year. Sometimes when I think of Singapore, I forget certain road names, what certain foods are called... I hope they will come back to me when I get back.

Pictures of new unit - most of the furnishings are the same. It doesn't make sense that this unit costs S$200 cheaper - when it's bigger, on a higher level, and has cleaning services every week. Agent says previous lady stayed here for 1.5 yrs!

Went out to do some grocery shopping, then realised that it's T1.

Will it escalate?

Grocery shopping is therapeutic. U push the trolley and walk down each lane, pick-and-go. There's little brain work - except for the mini calculations you make when comparing which product is more 'wu hua' - value for $$.

My favourite section has got to be the frozen section - microwavable food and ice cream. YUM.

Need to set my biological clock right. =_=

Friday, September 21, 2007

Light at the other end

I think....
when you put in effort to do something,
even at the 11th hour,
gather all possible resources and skills,
clearly know that you could have done better,
honestly admit that it wouldn't pass the mark,
but still secretly harbour the hope of getting it....
you'll feel like you're left at the darkest end of the tunnel when you didn't get it.
But, you'll sleep, take a good rest, and walk out towards the light.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007





脑袋里想的太多 总有人劝我
想了想 连自己都不在乎自己了 还怕什么呢~
死了不就那么一回事吗 呵呵

恋爱 已经成了我一个问题

给不了你幸福 是不是算抢走你幸福

也好 今天扔掉了 我的一切 就是没把我自己扔掉
为什么不扔掉呢 扔掉不是 什么烦恼也没了吗
哎 扔不掉啊 能扔早就扔掉了

我活着也没在乎过她 也没见过她
我也不知道她是不是 对我和我姐很好

结束掉生命后人去了哪里 另外一个世界?

它真的存在吗 那里有没有烦恼呢
算了 谁知道呢 又没有人死过

吃不好 喝不好 没有自由
但是如果没有家的人 到了里面也就相当于里面是他的家了
也不用为了什么爱情 金钱 等东西去感到着急烦恼了
因为里面都一样 就算有钱 也不能使
如果有爱情在外面 那更着急 呵呵 想的对不对啊?

今天晚上起来 外面下雨蛮大的
一路上一点力气也没有 但是连个好好休息的地儿都没有

哎 真羡慕别人 起码病了可以回去休息一下
不管了 我病了那么多年了 有那么多病 多病一次也无所谓 不用吃药了 死了拉倒

恩 伟大的爱情呀 去吧~~~
所有的人啊 去吧~~过的幸福点

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Portrait @ the Bund

I had my first portrait drawn today - have always wanted to do that ... but no point doing in Singapore and... the artists in Melbourne/sydney are just too expensive.

So, as I walked along the bund this evening, I was so tempted to stop and get one done so many times - but I didn't...


I saw her

He really drew her so well that I stopped in my tracks.

This is how I looked tonight --- tired, but still wanna 'gek' smile.

This is my portrait

And ... with the artist

(I had a good chat with the group of young artists there, I love talking with the locals - you catch a tiny glimpse of how Shanghai actually treats them...)

Hmm, so yeah, the portrait.

Personally, I don't think I look like that - my eyes... like not so big hor? And I looked sad? Well, I probably felt quite melancholic... It's the same feeling I had when I saw the Taj Mahal, visited the "qing ren qiao" in Taipei, went up taipei 101....

The view can only be this <> fantastic.

Double the enjoyment when you have someone to share it with.

Anyways, I showed Mr Goh and Mr Lim and they both don't think it's drawn like me...

so Mr Lim decided to get creative and draw me another one instead.

I'm gonna exchange his gucci key chain with the one from Lady's street.

More work at the exhibition later today and tmr and the next!

Furniture fairs are not fun to work in!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


飞机误点 - 整整迟了40分钟 - 说是飞往中国的航空路线太拥挤了。。。

也好,我在机上睡了一会儿。 =)

坐在我隔壁的夫妻是从Melbourne来的。 我想到自己在那里短短两个星期的生活,想起了爹。。。。

会说爹。。。可能是受上海的影响吧。。。。 Haha。



当他跟我说从机场到浦江要1。5 hours 时,我大叫了一声。 妈呀! 要这么久吗?!

还好。。。没塞车。。。一小时就到了。 快到浦江的时候,司机先生叫我闭上眼睛。。。要我同一时间让上海的夜景映入眼帘。

霓虹灯,上海滩,还有一层薄雾。。。 我想。。。我还是怀念新加坡的夜景吧。

老板差点儿认不出我, 说我摆明就是个香港人,头发短了,红了, 整个人的感觉都不一样了。。。变得 ‘More Sophisticated’。

我沾沾自喜。 =D

晚餐在M @ THE BUND。 先是 drinks。。。 我叫了一杯Dragon’s Pearl - Lychee,Lime, Cranberry Juice and i forgot what alcohol - 还真好喝neh。

Peter said there's always an inverse relationship between the view of the restaurant, and the food it serves. Drinks were fantastic, food was so-so, the view was GREAT. We sat on the terrace, and during the middle of our dinner, there were fireworks - to welcome the Intercedent team to Shanghai perhaps. =)

晚餐后,我们三人步行回 浦江饭店 - 是上海开埠以来全国第一家西商饭店,建于1846年 - 比杰伦的上海还老yeah。

街灯熄了, 人潮都退了。。。。

早晨的上海, 又会有什么风味呢?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I just realised i'm travelling on sep 11...
and if there's such a thing as a 'lor sor' travel packer... i think i am one.
i can't believe i'm still packing!!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Happily moved in

I must really commend myself for being able to shift apartments ALL BY MYSELF.

With only 6 hours of sleep, I managed to take a quick shower, squeeze all else into the second luggage and carry BOTH luggages, handbag, laptop case out of the apartment, into the lift, out of the lobby, down the escalator and into the cab.

.I ish Superwoman.

A few friends have offered to help me move, but I didn't think it was necessary.
Good thing I've left bags of clothes, shoes in the office during the week.

.Happily settled in.

.Welcome to my tiny but cosy studio.

.The kitchenette.

.and the many kitchen stuff I doubt I will use.

.the bathroom - with a lotus-like shower head.

.Wardrobe and ironing board and fridge and microwave.

I haven't unpacked the stuff from my luggages...

since I'm going up to shanghai in a few days' time.

and now....

.my dream maker.

If only I can stay in bed all day....

What an exciting way to start September

Drinks at G Bar
So, drinks with the client (and wifey and colq) went well. The weather was just right - although for some reason, HK is becoming more hazy recently.
Client is from a US manufacturing company and he's here to attend the Asian Aerospace show - and 'shun bian' bring the wifey along for a few days of R&R. Wifey is a super sweet angmoh lady.
They've been married for 36 years -
got to know each other for 2 months, and got married 5 months later.

I asked them, what's their secret?
"A common faith"
They were referring to Christianity.
So she spoke about their 3 children and how each one of them are getting married soon and the damn sweet (and sure) way to get the girl to say 'yes' is to write her a poem (bundled together with an expensive rock- haha)
'Some people meet and know they're meant for each other
and work towards a common goal
Others meet and think they're meant for each other
and gave up along the way'

The half hour drinks session turned into 1.5hrs.
I think I get defensive whenever somebody compares Singapore and HK - feels like a mini ambassador of Singapore.
We're not that bad, really. =)
Had dinner with Fion, Aj and Karen at Ajisen (CWB). We only ordered the appetizers - 10 of them. They're really good!
(except for the chicken wing thingy)
The wasabi squid sashimi and beef roll with the mushroom (金针菇) are must trys! I don't know if they serve this in Ajisen SG - one bad experience with Ajisen SG ramen and I've never gone to Ajisen again.
I'm a silly goose.
After I hopped on the bus, I realised that I've left the apt's keys AND office keys in the office - time was 11pm +.
Thank God that I have the LKF unit's keys,
although i'm not supposed to move in until Saturday. ^^
If not, I'll have to sleep on the streets!
Grabbed some toiletries from 7-11 and made my way to the unit.
(Staff at 7-11 commended me for not asking for plastic bags, supporting the movement - haha)
No change of clothes, so i slept in the nude. haha.
It's quite shiok, really. I felt as if I was floating on clouds.
I love full length mirrors.
New adventure awaits

Friday ended with news that I'm making a trip to Shanghai next week!

Will touch base with boss and new colq on Tues evening. Should be coming back on Saturday since the convention ends Saturday... I can't decide if I want to spend Sunday there too? A group of SG friends are visiting this coming weekend... and i'd love to show them around... :D

Friday dinner was at 小肥牛. I try the weirdest things when I'm abroad.

The condiments and our shopping prior dinner. (I need to stop buying things and eating so much for dinner.)

(Clockwise from top left)

Pig's skin oil (猪皮油). Sharks' jaw. Both. Cow's throat.

Why all same colour one?

Close up of the sharks' jaws.

Are they teeth marks?!?!

There's no particular taste to all three.

The pigs skin is just plain oily (and crispy), shark's jaws and cow's throat just taste very Q, 口感很好!

The kingfisher sashimi was sooo o-i-shi!

And a whole lot of other food...

Beef ball with cheese was the best.

AJ actually suggested going to Shenzhen for massage after dinner -

but since I didn't go home last night, I don't have my passport with me

and I have tonnes of things to pack!

Shifting to LKF in the morning.


I packed til 4am+ on Sat morning

Pictures of new apt will be posted next!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Fion 说: “九龙的 skyline 才是‘实在’的香港。
从山顶上观赏香港岛的景色, 无论白天或黑夜,

(this stunning picture was obviously not taken by moi.)



Will be joining ex boss and current client for drinks tomorrow night at G Bar at IFC, so Fion and I checked out the place after we left the office this evening. We want to make sure we get the 'best seats' with an excellent view.

We were not disappointed. =) Just hope the weather tomorrow night will be good.